No meal is real unless it includes a possum. And since you clicked here, I'm going to give you a delicious possum recipe. The first thing you should do is to catch a possum, kill the possum and throw it into a land fill and then start over with chicken. But I'm presuming that you all don't have a chicken.
1 young, fat possum
8 sweet potatoes
2 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon sugar
Skin the possum and remove the head and feet. Gut your fat young possum. Be sure to wash it thoroughly. Possum is tough, so you need to marinate it in wine. You can use the good Costco box wine if you have the means to afford it, but any wine with a screw top will work. Boones farm or Ripple are ideal choices. The possum should soak in the wine for at least eight hours. Do not drink the marinade after as it won't taste precisely like 'wine'. You're better off drinking vanilla or sterno.
Stew the possum until it's tender in a tightly covered crock pot with a little water. If you can't afford a crock pot, any pan with a lid will do.
Peel the potatoes and boil them until tender in lightly salted water along with the butter and sugar. As your possum continues to cook, arrange the taters around the possum, strip with bacon, sprinkle with thyme or marjoram, or pepper, and brown in the oven. Baste often with the drippings.
A friend of mine just bought an expensive shower head (made in China) from a county fair. (you know who you are - and your brother would be on my side with this solution) This shower head didn't cost anything. You can pluck something like this (below) from other people's trash and employ it for an enjoyable shower without expending a nickel.