Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Rape Whistle?

Yesterday afternoon's video of Colorado State Democrat Rep. Joe Salazar was released from a hearing in which he was arguing for the disarmament of college students (HB13-1226). Rep. Salazar feels as if a rape whistle is enough. 

One in four collegiate women report rape during their college years in America. Read more HERE.

Salazar: “It’s why we have call boxes, it’s why we have safe zones, it’s why we have the whistles."

When seconds count, the police are minutes away. Apparently women have been carrying firearms on campus in Colorado because they feel unsafe. The old saying, "nobody ever raped a .38" has a particular meaning to a vulnerable woman walking alone in at night on a nearly deserted college campus.

Rep. Salazar feels this is protection enough: 

It would seem that the Democrats in the Colorado Legislature (House of Representatives) fear vulnerable women defending themselves as the Constitution allows. So they want women to simply blow as if their life depended on it - the whistle, not the rapist.

How safe is a "safe zone"?

Yes, Rep. Salazar would feel safe, backed by his armed security people, the campus police and he, himself, would likely exercise HIS right to carry a firearm. That's different. "All pigs are equal but some are more equal than others," (Orwell, Animal Farm) would seem to apply to Democrats in the Colorado Legislature.