Friday, March 15, 2013


I can't think of many foods that can't be improved by adding bacon. Let me begin a small list and you can add as you are moved to do. And if you are a whining progressive reading this, don't frigging comment about how bacon is bad for you - it's the OTHER white meat.

(1) Any sandwich from a BLT (the LT sandwich requires B) to a hamburger is improved with a slice or two (or three) of good lean center cut bacon.

(2) Pancakes. Unless you go for the sweet maple syrup and smokey bacon blend with your cakes, they're just ...pan (meaning 'bread' in Spanish).

(3) Green beans are a favorite of mine, but when you add bacon bits, it's a BIG favorite.

(4) The wedge salad has gained traction in America in recent years, but it's just limp iceberg lettuce with some blue cheese dressing on it - until you add bacon. Spinach salad is NOTHING without the bacon dressing.

(5) Meatloaf is not an American classic. Meatloaf wrapped with bacon is.

(6) Casseroles are ok -- I guess, but when you sprinkle bacon bits (freshly home cooked - not the bottled, simulated, vegetarian, kosher bacon bits) on them, they are fully edible.

(7) Turkey stuffing is not really worth considering until you add bacon.

(8) I like bacon in my potato salad. Sort of that German style salad with a hint of that bacon smoke.

(9) Shrimp skewers (diablo shrimp) take on a whole new flavor when they are wrapped and cooked with bacon.

(10) Baked potato is good when the skin is crispy, and rubbed with heavy grind salt, but the inside is improved when you add a little bacon.

Lady Gaga likes bacon too.
There is all kinds of bacon. Canadian bacon and eggs is a thousand times better than just eggs (any way). Regular grocery store brand bacon wrapped asparagus and bar-b-qued is to die for. I like regular asparagus too...but it's better with bacon.

Last Saturday I went to a restaurant in San Diego's Gas Lamp District that was bacon me crazy. Yes, It's the Quarter Kitchen (600 F Street). I saw an article in the window and when I read it, I said. Why yes, of course!
This bacon blitz may be rooted in the fact that most professional chefs are men. A study commissioned to determine which perfumes really set men’s noses alight concluded that the average fellow’s favorite scent is frying bacon.
When Lady Gaga wrapped herself in bacon, she was only trying to tell guys that she was on their side...or something like that.