Tuesday, March 12, 2013

North Korea - Update - If you care?

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is engaging in their game in order to bluff China and the United States. Dear Leader feels that their nuclear weapons makes the world tremble. Are you afraid?

The party daily Rodong Sinmun reported that the DPRK placed it's strategic missile systems on stand-by for war and mobilized the entire population to serve as soldiers. All government and party organizations and agricultural cooperatives have been placed on emergency mobilization status and the Red Worker-Peasant Militia and the Young Red Guards have been ordered to man their numerous posts. 
Province, municipal and county administrations have been moved underground and civilian exercises are being held daily, so tensions are at a high. Food prices even in price controlled North Korea are climbing and the public is frightened. 
The DPRK raised national readiness to what they term as "semi-war level".  This means that key leadership has moved underground. When they move the general population underground and evacuate the cities, the nation is considered at full combat readiness. 
At the same time that this is happening, The US Treasury Department imposed sanctions on North Korea's primary foreign exchange bank, the Foreign Trade Bank of North Korea. This bank is key to financing arms sales.