Saturday, March 2, 2013

Schools Should Eliminate the Letter "L"

The kid was only playing with his food.
(Fox News) Seven-Year-Old Joshua Welch was suspended on March 1 from Park Elementary School in Brooklyn Park, Maryland. The school has a breakfast "snack time" and provided pasteries. Joshua says he was eating a pastry during snack time and trying to shape it into a mountain, the teacher said it looked like a gun and took him to the principal's office. Josh, who suffers from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, said his teacher was visibly mad when she saw that the pastry looked like a gun, according to the report.

Joshua's parents were called, he has been suspended for two days. Joshua's father says it's ridiculous since no one was threatened or harmed by the pastry. A letter will be going home to all students of Park Elementary School this afternoon. School officials declined to comment.

One can only wonder what would have happened if he'd pointed at another child. We know that a pointed finger is code for, "I'm armed and dangerous".

Artist's simulation of Josh in 12 years when he's fighting a foreign
war that politicians start without considering how it should end.
The way I look at it, Joshua got off light. If he'd had cut out an L shape of construction paper with blunted scissors, the FREAK teacher would have called the police because we all know that an L is really a firearm.

Progressives need to lobby Congress to eliminate the letter "L" from the alphabet to avoid any possibility of confusing a cut out of the letter with a handgun.

One thing is certain. If there were no more L's, progressives would sleep a little more soundly at night. You could also surgically remove the index fingers of all Americans, thus making them unable to pull the trigger of a firearm, though just not having "L" anymore would be a solid interim move until we could get all of the children in for their amputations.