Sunday, March 10, 2013

Virtual Mirage at 500,000

Virtual Mirage (the blog) just passed the 500,000 page view mark as measured by Google Stats. I know that compared to some blogs, it's a trivial number, but I consider it a benchmark. Thank you to those who wade through my drivel.

Average views per blog post: 523

It's obvious that you (the larger 'you') liked some blog posts better than others. Here are your preferences:

All Time Favorites (as measured by page views)

Breach of Contract Case (Rule 5) – 20632 page views
Higher Pay for Illegal Aliens! – 16047 page views
The Drug War in Mexico (Redux) – 12376 page view
Just a little Navy Bilge Talk – 9562 page view
When the Zombies Rise! – 9163 page views
Is Gadhafi a Dead Duck? – 7507 page views
The Courts are Playing Possum – 4742 page views


The past 30 days (as measured by page views)

The Americans (Series Review) - 2321 page views
Chris Dorner Jokes – 1419 page views
New York Stripper Mom – 740 page views
Fruitcake Christmas – 422 page views
Thoughts on Californication – 209 page views
The American Public – Arming for War? – 177 page views

Some people accuse me (correctly) of not being in tune with American pop culture. I feel that the Kardashians are venal, shallow, and uninteresting. I couldn't tell you which rap song is in any place on the hip hop chart. The Housewives of (INSERT LOCATION HERE) are plastic, whining, spoiled, "progressives". 

I feel as if almost all politicians of all parties can be placed in the same category as the Housewives of (INSERT LOCATION HERE).

Die knowing you did everything you ever wanted to do, tried everything you ever wanted to try, felt danger and overcame all fears, and took giant risks most people thought were insane. 
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, leaking oil, on fire and reeking of gun powder, sex and whiskey, and loudly proclaiming: Wow, what a Ride!