Friday, April 19, 2013

Psychoanalyzing American Progressives

I'm trying to make sense of American liberals/progressives.

Socially Destructive Behavior and the Progressive Response                            

Drunk Driving   -    BLAME THE DRIVER - not the car

Terrorist Bomber   -   BLAME THE BOMBER - not the bomb (though they'd be a lot happier if it was a white male American than if it was a Muslim)

Knife Attack   -   BLAME THE MURDERER - not the knife

Firearm Attack   -   BLAME THE GUN - not the person shooting it.

Over the past decade, how many terrorist attacks worldwide were conducted by Muslims? And how many were perpetrated by Catholics? So why are Catholics considered an extremist hate group by our present regime in Washington? 
To American liberals/progressives, an extremist hate group is one that opposes the wanton murder of the unborn (abortion), opposes homosexual marriage, and is concerned that most terrorists happen to be Muslims.
I understand that Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow and the entire staff at MSNBC are very upset that the Boston Marathon bombers turned out to be Muslims from Chechnya. They were so hoping that they would turn out to be white males from Nebraska or Idaho. The problem that Matthews and his viewers have revolves around the issue of hatred and 'who are the real haters'.  I understand that statement could be translated by progressives as being Islamophobic. But it's not. It's simply factual. I understand that progressives are never daunted by facts.

Progressive/Democratic Party Strongholds

Detroit, Michigan
Chicago, Illinois
Newark, New Jersey
Washington, DC
New York, NY
Los Angeles, CA

In each of these cities:
  • The crime rate is very high. 
  • Gun control laws are extremely strict.
  • Only about half of the children graduate from high school.

Yet they are progressive paradises. 

Progressives/Liberals are therefore judged - insane.