Sunday, March 22, 2020

A Scenario (Sunday Sermonette)

I normally don't ask you to read an article on the Internet. Sometimes I quote from articles and give you a link to follow. I'm breaking from that today to suggest that you read this article from the Intelligencer

Yes, I did write that I was going to back off on the COVID-19/Chinese Plague. Yet, despite my best intentions, this article puts a spin on it that you might find interesting.
For most people infected with the coronavirus, that’s as far as it goes. With bed rest, they get better. But for reasons scientists don’t understand, about 20 percent of people get severely ill. Despite your relative youth, you’re one of them.
That's the point. It's all fun and games, shits and giggles until it's you or somebody that you love. Comment on your thoughts once you've read the article. Maybe they're fear mongering. Maybe not. It's up to you to decide. 

For the people who become severely ill, it's not about the question of whether it originated in a bioweapons lab or somewhere else. And if it is somebody dear to you who has been infected, the issue is the same.

The plague will end, treatments for the illness will become available, and in a year or so, there will be a vaccine. For now, ask not for whom the bell tolls.