Thursday, March 26, 2020


Thank you for your patience. The blog is back in business and the new and improved format is still in development.

There's no such thing as a "woke" vegetarian, great white shark.
The Kennedy Center

The $2 trillion economic stimulus to aid people out of work and businesses in trouble was passed with $25,000,000 earmarked for the Kennedy Center. I guess that the people there needed to be stimulated. 

Let's review how that organization is supposed to be funded. It was authorized by the 1958 National Cultural Center Act of Congress, which required that its programming be sustained through private funds.  You can read the act for yourself, but trust me, that's what it says. Its activities include educational and outreach initiatives, that are funded through ticket sales and gifts from individuals, corporations, and private foundations. 

To boil it down, it's a place for elites to congratulate themselves for being born better than you are. And they're supposed to pay for the privilege of congratulating themselves. But the skinflint elites would like to be subsidized. Thus the $25M in tax funds.

It would be easy to blame Nancy Pelosi and her flying monkeys, but the Republicans are just as elite, just as special, and are also better than you are. So they gave the nod to the expenditure.

Basic Rules For Life in the Big Outdoors

(1) Nobody is coming to save you.

(2) Everything is your responsibility.

(3) Save who/what needs to be saved.

(4) Kill who/what needs to be killed.

(5) Always be working the problems around you.

And according to Bukowski: